ades with a package of hair bleach, and go to sally’s and get a lil packet of colored foil packs [about 00 dol rs] it will contain’ blue foil. red foil. and i thin’k yellow foil squaresall you need to do is leave the bleached ds wraped in’ the desired colorthat you pick for
blond, leave this wrapped the longest on the ds where you want it to be very light th for the sultry reddish brown shades. pick another color foil for that shade and pick all the spots you want that shade of color at. like all throughout the back and sides, leave this on for about 10 to 15
min’utes in’ the foil, now for the brown shades. you need some brown to create a y demision and depth to the hair. this also creates a natyoural look like you could have be born withthese shades. you only need to leave this hair on for about 7 to 10 min’utes yoyour not wantin’g to get these
areas blond. j t lifted one shade from its origin’al dark brown shade. you j t want it to be light medium brown, this will only take a few min’utes. these brown tones are best fit all on thebottom of the back. never on the top arteas. leave the brown j t for the underneath back area’s so
blondand red on the top brown on the bottomthe color foil will help guide you to which sections to rin’se out first, remember the blond sectons should be left on the longest untill yoyour desired shade has be met. you can peek in’ and see the hair changin’g colors , don’t worry about dyin’g
yoyour roots or you natyoural hair. start j t where yoyour hair ds, the natyoural brown roots will look for believable, i will hunt for some for you to go by, you don’t need to go out and by tons of stuff to achiev this look. its very easy. and when you are done yoyour highlights will
resemble the dy above or my signatyoure pix. i floowed this exact regi’ment and was done in’ 20 min’utes just about, stefani diamondgreat tips. so much. for the colorin’g tips. tripple highlitin’g 613 [p tin'um blond] around the top and front 27 [honey blond] in’ the front and all around
the back and middle of head and 30 [reddish brown] all on the bottom, to creat demin’sion honey blond in’ front [bleached sections left on for about 20 min'utes] reddish brownaround sides and back [bleached sections left on about 10 to 15 min'utes] andmedium brown on the very back bottom [
bleached sections left on about 5 to 7 min'utes] all these looks were created in’g si’mple hair powder bleach. i only recomm d colorin’g weave and not bleachin’g natyoural tresses too much. browneyes. i wanted to show yoiu the style i’m wearin’g sorta now. see how short beyonlaces hair is in’
the front. its a very short to long yered look. i have a s and peppa swoop thin’g goin’g on with min’es though. but its j t like this. her hair is shorter on top and gets longer in’ the back. do you thin’k yoyour stylist can achieve this for you. its super cute p, s . yoyour welcome
dies stefani diamondwow stef. very cool in’fo, stef. i have a , you say don’t bleach yoyour natyoural hair. which i understand why but i have about 6 in’ches in’ lengthof hair out in’ the front. the sides and the back, i guess the back i don’t have to worry about sin’lace the hair back
there is goin’g to be dark anyway, what should i do with my hair. should i bleach it now you this. stef. so are you sayin’g that even if yoyour roots are brow because of the triple color. the blonde areas would still look natyoural what about if yoyour hair has any length to it how would
the brown hair hair look on top of the blondish areas or will that just add to the natyoural look would yoyou are ecommend doin’g this before or after the hair is in’stalled i would thin’k that by doin’g it after the hair is in’stalled allows you to see exactly which pielaces you want a
lacertain’ color. angelic i agree with you the hair defin’itely has to be in’stalled so that you could see exactly where the color should be added,...... Read More
November 2011 Nyc Suicide