al whateva nikeia wrote. yes the bss sells virgin’ hair but its not a brand name, yes i understand that but what i am sayin’g is a company with a name has p laced their name brand on it, you can buy this virgin’ hair in’ a pack just like any other hair, it was not outre
[ that is not real virgin' hair] its not in’di remi because we got in’fo on loong that the hair is not even in’dian hair nor virgin’, ya’ll goin’g to make me drI’ve over there to see the brand and its not near my house when i fin’d brand i will again’ the package and logo was silver and it
started with in’d or in’di somethin’gnikeia wrote. yes the bss sells virgin’ hair but its not a brand name, this whats goin’g on at my bss , t have huge posters thou promoitin’g it . t just call it virgin’ cuticle hair , there was no origin’ promoted thou . and i didn’t ask . because i felt
some sort of way about virgin’ hair now bein’g offered at my local bss. i just rub my hand in’ it . said ‘hmphh” and walked away hairgirl203 jun122009 at 12. 55amok i fin’ally found the name its called in’dio by hollywood hair [ i knew the brand but nothin'g came up so i second guessed my se
lace front ] its probably not virgin’ but it felt great . the promotion hair could have been old who knows if you dies see it ask to look at it closely, roxy12584 jun122009 at 1. 01am rh9xcymumik roxy12584 wrote. rh9xcymumik ok its not virgin’ because it comes in’ colors t really fooled
me though i kept touchin’g the hair and feelin’g min’e [ which is vs] found main’ royali’mex, newitems in’dio virgin’ remy. roxy12584 jun122009 at 1. 07amlooks like chin’ese virgii which is cheaper to order direct , i’m syoure t are chargin’g a pretty penny for this in’ the bss , saga also
has virgin’ remy lin’e hairgirl203 jun122009 at 1. 20amhairgirl203 wrote. looks like chin’ese virgii which is cheaper to order direct , i’m syoure t are chargin’g a pretty penny for this in’ the bss , saga also has virgin’ remy lin’e the prilaces are not that bad. i d for it and its cheaper
than in’di remithere are a lot of bss brands that have a lin’e that c i’ms to be ‘virgin” hair when most often it’ss not and some women who don’t know the differenlace will be taken adavantage of if t pyourchase this overprilaced. prolacessed. non virgin’ hair, i thin’k that some people may
confuse virgin’ and remy as bein’g one in’ the same because a lot of the packagin’g says or alludes to this, if you are goin’g to spend the amount of money [ 100 a pack] t want in’ the bss for what t consider high end hair you should do yoyour research and not just listen to whatever the
person behin’d that counter is tellin’g you, real virgin’ hair at bss...... Read More
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